Thesis Research of Beret Dickson, graduate student at the University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation



Agriculture, as conceptualized here, is essentially the conversion of solar energy into human activity. Through photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are converted into sugars and oxygen, both of which are ingested by humans who subsequently convert the oxygen and sugars back to carbon dioxide and water via respiration. Ideally, this process is entirely sustainable, as only energy is removed from the cycle. However, neither respiration or photosynthesis are 100% efficient and the various ways in which humans shed the water resulting from respiration makes collecting all of it impossible.

More importantly, the above diagram isolates the two moments in the cycle in which there is an interaction between plants and humans. The below diagram looks at the ideal conditions for both plants (grown hydroponically) and humans and prescribes an inhabitable interface to mediate between the two disparate atmospheric conditions.

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